CMIP7 Evaluation Hackathon: Glossary

Key Points

The ACCESS-NRI Evaluation Frameworks
Introducing ESMValTool
  • ESMValTool provides a reliable interface to analyse and evaluate climate data

  • A large collection of recipes and diagnostic scripts is already available

  • ESMValTool is built and maintained by an active community of scientists and developers

Running your first recipe
  • ESMValTool recipes work ‘out of the box’ (if input data is available)

  • There are strong links between the recipe, log file, and output folders

  • Recipes can easily be modified to re-use existing code for your own use case

Supported data on NCI GADI
  • There is supported data on Gadi to start with using ESMValTool and the ILAMB

Writing your own recipe
  • A recipe can work with different preprocessors at the same time.

  • The setting additional_datasets can be used to add a different dataset.

  • Variable groups are useful for defining different settings for different variables.

  • Multiple ensemble members and experiments can be analysed in a single recipe through concatenation.

Writing your own diagnostic script
  • ESMValTool provides helper functions to interface a Python diagnostic script with preprocessor output.

  • Existing diagnostics can be used as templates and modified to write new diagnostics.

  • Helper functions can be imported from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared and used in your own diagnostic script.

Use a Jupyter Notebook to run a recipe
  • ESMValTool can be run in a Jupyter Notebook

  • Access ImageFiles and DataFiles from the recipe run

Advanced Jupyter notebook
  • API can be used as a helper to develop recipes

  • Preprocessors can be used in a Jupyter Notebook to check the output

  • Use datasets_to_recipe helper to start making recipes

Running the ILAMB on Gadi
  • The ACCESS-NRI ILAMB-Workflow facilitates the configuration of the ILAMB on NCI Gadi.

  • Users need to set up a run using a configuration file.

  • The ilamb-tree-generator allows to quickly build a data directory srtucture for the ILAMB.

  • The ILAMB can take advantage of the multiple CPUs available on Gadi.

ILAMB support for RAW ACCESS-ESM outputs
  • The ILAMB-Workflow only support RAW ACCESS data

  • Running the ILAMB-Workflow on RAW ACCESS data can take some time. Consider if it is appropriate for your work

  • Only a limited number of CMIP variables are supported



ESMValTool main website

ESMValTool Read the Docs

ESMValTool github

ESMValTool technical paper