Running the ILAMB on Gadi


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 60 min
Compatibility: ILAMB v2.7.1
  • How do I run the ILAMB on NCI GADI?

  • Understand how to load, configure and run the ILAMB using the ACCESS-NRI ILAMB-Workflow

What is the ILAMB?

The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) project is a model-data intercomparison and integration project designed to improve the performance of land models and, in parallel, improve the design of new measurement campaigns to reduce uncertainties associated with key land surface processes.

The purpose of the Quickstart Guide is to provide users of GADI with a streamlined process to rapidly run the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) system. ACCESS-NRI offers an already configured ILAMB module via the ILAMB-Workflow, enabling users to quickly initiate benchmarking tasks without the need for deployment. This guide is designed to help users efficiently begin evaluating land model outputs against observational datasets with minimal setup time.

How to cite the ILAMB?

Collier, N., Hoffman, F. M., Lawrence, D. M., Keppel-Aleks, G., Koven, C. D., Riley, W. J., et al. (2018). The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) system: Design, theory, and implementation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 2731–2754.

The ILAMB on NCI-Gadi

For NCI users, ACCESS-NRI is providing a conda environment with the latest version of ILAMB through project xp65..

module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
module load ilamb-workflow


module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
module load conda/access-med

To run the ILAMB, you need to execute the command ilamb-run with a number of arguments/files:

ilamb-run --config config.cfg --model_setup model_setup.txt --regions global

Below we explain how to setup the necessary directory structures and the example files mentioned above. For detailed information on the arguments of ilamb-run, please consult the official ILAMB documentation.

Organising Data and Model Outputs for ILAMB Benchmarking

ILAMB requires files to be organized within a specific directory structure, consisting of DATA and MODELS directories. The DATA directory contains observational datasets, while the MODELS directory holds the output from the models you wish to benchmark. Adhering to this structure is essential for ILAMB to correctly locate and compare the datasets during the benchmarking process.

The following directory tree represents a typical ILAMB_ROOT setup for CMIP comparison on NCI/Gadi:

|-- DATA -> /g/data/ct11/access-nri/replicas/ILAMB
  |-- ACCESS-ESM1-5
  |   `-- piControl
  |       `-- r3i1p1f1

The top level of this directory structure is defined by the ILAMB_ROOT path, which should be set as an environment variable:

export ILAMB_ROOT=/path/to/your/ILAMB_ROOT/directory

By exporting this path as $ILAMB_ROOT, you ensure that the ILAMB can correctly locate the necessary directories and files during the benchmarking process.”

  1. the DATA directory: this is where we keep the observational datasets each in a subdirectory bearing the name of the variable.
  2. the MODEL directory: this directory can be populated with symbolic links to the model outputs.

Automating ILAMB Directory Structure Setup with ilamb-tree-generator

To simplify the setup of an ILAMB-ROOT directory tree, ACCESS-NRI offers a tool called ilamb-tree-generator, available within the ILAMB-Workflow through the access-med environment of the xp65 project.

The ilamb-tree-generator automates the creation of the necessary ILAMB directory structure. It efficiently generates symlinks to the ACCESS-NRI Replicated Datasets for Climate Model Evaluation and to the relevant sections of the model outputs. This automation helps ensure that your ILAMB benchmarking setup is correctly configured with minimal manual intervention.

To add model outputs, you can list them in a YAML file, formatted as follows:

   - {mip: CMIP, institute: CSIRO-ARCCSS, dataset: ACCESS-CM2, project: CMIP6, exp: piControl, ensemble: r3i1p1f1}
   - {mip: CMIP, institute: CSIRO-ARCCSS, dataset: ACCESS-CM2, project: CMIP6, exp: piControl, ensemble: r3i1p2f1}
   - {mip: CMIP, institute: CSIRO-ARCCSS, dataset: ACCESS-CM2, project: CMIP6, exp: piControl, ensemble: r3i1p3f1}

Once your YAML file is ready, you can run the tool from the command line to generate the directory structure:

ilamb-tree-generator --datasets models.yml --ilamb_root $ILAMB_ROOT

This command will automatically create the appropriate folders under the specified ILAMB_ROOT path, ensuring that your data is organized correctly for ILAMB benchmarking.”


Copy the above to a models.yml file and try to run the ilamb-tree-generator

ILAMB model selection: model_setup.txt

In the model_setup.txt, you can select all the model outputs that you want to compare.

Assuming you want to compare the three models that we used in ILAMB_ROOT/MODELS, you would need to create a model_setup.txt file wehere you define both the model labels and their paths:

 # Model Name (used as label), ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/MODELS or relative to $ILAMB_ROOT/ , Time Shift
   piControl_r3i1p1f1, /scratch/nf33/yz9299/ILAMB-sep-2024/ILAMB_ROOT/MODELS/ACCESS-CM2/piControl/r3i1p1f1/, 1000, 1920
   piControl_r3i1p2f1, /scratch/nf33/yz9299/ILAMB-sep-2024/ILAMB_ROOT/MODELS/ACCESS-CM2/piControl/r3i1p2f1/, 1000, 1920
   piControl_r3i1p3f1, /scratch/nf33/yz9299/ILAMB-sep-2024/ILAMB_ROOT/MODELS/ACCESS-CM2/piControl/r3i1p3f1/, 1000, 1920

Since ILAMB require model-output data and observational data should have time overlap. In this case, our piControl data time-range is (1000-1080) , and most of the observational data time range is (1900-2000), so we specify time shift in model_setup.txt from 1000 to 1920, make it comparable with observational data.

Configuring and Running a Benchmark Study with the ILAMB

ILAMB uses a config.cfg file as its configuration file to initiate a benchmark study. This file allows you to set up comparison sections and specify which variables from which datasets will be compared.

An example configuration file for ILAMB on Gadi might be named config.cfg. It could be used to compare your models with two variables from the radiation and energy cycle, as measured by the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) project:

This configuration file is used to define the comparison sections, variables, and observational datasets required for running ILAMB on Gadi. The file is organised with the following structure:

[h1:] Sections
[h2:] Variables
[]    Observational Datasets

For further guidance on how to create and use configuration files, refer to the ILAMB Tutorial on Configure Files. You can also consult the ILAMB and IOMB dataset collections at ILAMB Datasets.

A minimal Example

[h1: Hydrology Cycle]
bgcolor = "#E6F9FF"

[h2: Evapotranspiration]
variable       = "et"
alternate_vars = "evspsbl"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MODIS/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"

this example configuration file is set up for running ILAMB on Gadi and specifies details for comparing data related to the hydrology cycle. Here’s a breakdown of what each section does:

 [h1: Hydrology Cycle]
 bgcolor = "#E6F9FF"
 [h2: Evapotranspiration]
 variable       = "et"
 alternate_vars = "evspsbl"
 cmap           = "Blues"
 weight         = 5
 mass_weighting = True
 source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MODIS/"
 weight        = 15
 table_unit    = "mm d-1"
 plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
 relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"

Exercise: Adding a Second Observational Dataset to the ILAMB Configuration File

In this exercise, you will add a second observational dataset to your ILAMB configuration file. Follow these steps to integrate a new dataset, [MOD16A2], into your existing configuration:

  1. Open Your ILAMB Configuration File: Locate and open the ILAMB configuration file you are currently using.

  2. Identify the Section for Observational Datasets:
    • Scroll to the section of the file where observational datasets are listed.
  3. Add the New Dataset:
    • Insert the following block of code to include the [MOD16A2] observational dataset:
     source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MOD16A2/"
     weight        = 15
     table_unit    = "mm d-1"
     plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
     relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"
    • This entry specifies the details for the new dataset:
      • source: Path to the dataset file.
      • weight: Weight assigned to this dataset for comparisons.
      • table_unit: Unit of measurement used in tables.
      • plot_unit: Unit of measurement used in plots.
      • relationships: Lists other related datasets for comparison.
  4. Save Your Changes: Make sure to save the configuration file after adding the new dataset.


# This configure file specifies comparison sections, variables and observational data for running ILAMB on Gadi.

# See for the ILAMB Tutorial that addesses Configure Files
# See for the ILAMB and IOMB collections

# Structure:
# [h1:] Sections
# [h2:] Variables
# []    Observational Datasets


[h1: Hydrology Cycle]
bgcolor = "#E6F9FF"

[h2: Evapotranspiration]
variable       = "et"
alternate_vars = "evspsbl"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MODIS/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MOD16A2/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"


Exercise: Adding New Comparison Details to the ILAMB Configuration File

In this exercise, you will add a new section for “Latent Heat” to the ILAMB configuration file. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open your existing ILAMB configuration file: Locate and open the configuration file you have been working with.

  2. Add a new subsection for Latent Heat:
    • Scroll to the appropriate location in the file where you want to add the new details.
    • Insert the following content to define the “Latent Heat” comparison:
     [h2: Latent Heat]
     variable       = "hfls"
     alternate_vars = "le"
     cmap           = "Oranges"
     weight         = 5
     mass_weighting = True
    • This section sets up a comparison for “Latent Heat,” specifying the variable, alternate names, color map, weight, and mass weighting.
  3. Add details for the FLUXCOM dataset:
    • Below the “Latent Heat” subsection, add the following content to define the FLUXCOM dataset:
     source   = "DATA/hfls/FLUXCOM/"
     land     = True
     weight   = 9
     skip_iav = True
    • This section specifies the source file for the FLUXCOM dataset, assigns a weight, indicates whether land data is included, and whether to skip inter-annual variability.
  4. Save your changes: Ensure that the file is saved with the new sections included.


# This configure file specifies comparison sections, variables and observational data for running ILAMB on Gadi.

# See for the ILAMB Tutorial that addesses Configure Files
# See for the ILAMB and IOMB collections

# Structure:
# [h1:] Sections
# [h2:] Variables
# []    Observational Datasets


[h1: Hydrology Cycle]
bgcolor = "#E6F9FF"

[h2: Evapotranspiration]
variable       = "et"
alternate_vars = "evspsbl"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MODIS/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MOD16A2/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"


[h2: Latent Heat]
variable       = "hfls"
alternate_vars = "le"
cmap           = "Oranges"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source   = "DATA/hfls/FLUXCOM/"
land     = True
weight   = 9
skip_iav = True


A Comprehensive example

# This configure file specifies comparison sections, variables and observational data for running ILAMB on Gadi.

# See for the ILAMB Tutorial that addesses Configure Files
# See for the ILAMB and IOMB collections

# Structure:
# [h1:] Sections
# [h2:] Variables
# []    Observational Datasets


[h1: Hydrology Cycle]
bgcolor = "#E6F9FF"

[h2: Evapotranspiration]
variable       = "et"
alternate_vars = "evspsbl"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MODIS/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"

source        = "DATA/evspsbl/MOD16A2/"
weight        = 15
table_unit    = "mm d-1"
plot_unit     = "mm d-1"
relationships = "Precipitation/GPCPv2.3","SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU4.02"


[h2: Latent Heat]
variable       = "hfls"
alternate_vars = "le"
cmap           = "Oranges"
weight         = 5
mass_weighting = True

source   = "DATA/hfls/FLUXCOM/"
land     = True
weight   = 9
skip_iav = True

source   = "DATA/evspsbl/DOLCE/"
weight   = 15
land     = True


[h2: Sensible Heat]
variable       = "hfss"
alternate_vars = "sh"
weight         = 2
mass_weighting = True

source   = "DATA/hfss/FLUXCOM/"
weight   = 15
skip_iav = True


[h1: Radiation and Energy Cycle]
bgcolor = "#FFECE6"


[h2: Albedo]
variable = "albedo"
weight   = 1
ctype    = "ConfAlbedo"

source   = "DATA/albedo/CERESed4.1/"
weight   = 20

source   = "DATA/albedo/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 20


[h2: Surface Upward SW Radiation]
variable = "rsus"
weight   = 1

source   = "DATA/rsus/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rsus/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rsus/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h2: Surface Net SW Radiation]
variable = "rsns"
derived  = "rsds-rsus"
weight   = 1

source   = "DATA/rsns/CERESed4.1/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rsns/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rsns/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rsns/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h2: Surface Upward LW Radiation]
variable = "rlus"
weight   = 1

source   = "DATA/rlus/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rlus/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rlus/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h2: Surface Net LW Radiation]
variable = "rlns"
derived  = "rlds-rlus"
weight   = 1

source   = "DATA/rlns/CERESed4.1/"
weight   = 15 

source   = "DATA/rlns/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rlns/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rlns/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h2: Surface Net Radiation]
variable = "rns"
derived  = "rlds-rlus+rsds-rsus"
weight = 2

source   = "DATA/rns/CERESed4.1/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rns/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rns/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rns/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h1: Forcings]
bgcolor = "#EDEDED"


[h2: Surface Air Temperature]
variable = "tas"
weight   = 2

source   = "DATA/tas/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 9


[h2: Diurnal Temperature Range]
variable = "dtr"
weight   = 2
derived  = "tasmax-tasmin"

source   = "DATA/dtr/CRU4.02/"
weight   = 25


[h2: Precipitation]
variable       = "pr"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 2
mass_weighting = True

source     = "DATA/pr/FLUXNET2015/"
land       = True
weight     = 9
table_unit = "mm d-1"
plot_unit  = "mm d-1"

source     = "DATA/pr/GPCCv2018/"
land       = True
weight     = 20
table_unit = "mm d-1"
plot_unit  = "mm d-1"
space_mean = True

source     = "DATA/pr/GPCPv2.3/"
land       = True
weight     = 20
table_unit = "mm d-1"
plot_unit  = "mm d-1"
space_mean = True


[h2: Surface Relative Humidity]
variable       = "rhums"
alternate_vars = "hurs"
cmap           = "Blues"
weight         = 3
mass_weighting = True

source     = "DATA/rhums/CRU4.02/"
weight     = 10


[h2: Surface Downward SW Radiation]
variable = "rsds"
weight   = 2

source   = "DATA/rsds/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rsds/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rsds/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12


[h2: Surface Downward LW Radiation]
variable = "rlds"
weight   = 1

source   = "DATA/rlds/FLUXNET2015/"
weight   = 12

source   = "DATA/rlds/GEWEX.SRB/"
weight   = 15

source   = "DATA/rlds/WRMC.BSRN/"
weight   = 12

Running the ILAMB

Now that we have the configuration file set up, you can run the study using the ilamb-run script via the aforementioned

ilamb-run --config config.cfg --model_setup model_setup.txt --regions global

Taking advantage of multiprocessors

Because of the computational costs, you need to run ILAMB through a Portable Batch System (PBS) job on Gadi.

The following default PBS file, let’s call it ilamb_test.job, can help you to setup your own, while making sure to use the correct project (#PBS -P) to charge your computing cost to:

 #PBS -N ilamb_test
 #PBS -l wd
 #PBS -P your_compute_project_here
 #PBS -q normalbw
 #PBS -l walltime=0:20:00  
 #PBS -l ncpus=14
 #PBS -l mem=63GB           
 #PBS -l jobfs=10GB        
 #PBS -l storage=gdata/ct11+gdata/hh5+gdata/xp65+gdata/fs38+gdata/oi10+gdata/zv30
 # ILAMB is provided through projects xp65. We will use the latter here
 module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
 module load conda/access-med
 # Define the ILAMB Path, expecting it to be where you start this job from
 export ILAMB_ROOT=./
 export CARTOPY_DATA_DIR=/g/data/xp65/public/apps/cartopy-data
 # Run ILAMB in parallel with the config.cfg configure file for the models defined in model_setup.txt
 mpiexec -n 10 ilamb-run --config config.cfg --model_setup model_setup.txt --regions global

You should adjust this file to your own specifications (including the storage access to your models). Save the file in the $ILAMB_ROOT and submit its job to the queue from there via

qsub ilamb_test.job

Running this job will create a _build directory with the comparison results within $ILAMB_ROOT. You can adjust the place of this directory via a agrument --build_dir argument for ilamb-run.

View Result

Once you finish your ILAMB run, you will get your ILAMB result. The default path to the result is ./_built,unless you specified --build_dir before you run your experiment with ILAMB.

Use VSCode to Simplily Visualise

This is the recommended way to visualise result, you need to install extension Live Server in your VSCode, Type live server into the extensions search bar and select the Live Server extension published by Ritwick Dey marked with the red ellipse below. This extension allows us to preview html files from a browser on our computer, and will update automatically as the html file is updated in VS Code. We will use this extension to preview some of the ESMValTool recipe outputs that come in html format. Click install to add the extension.


Once you installed the extension, go to your result directory and right click index.html, choose Open with Live Server, then you will have your result opened in your browser.

In case you don’t use VSCode or Live Server doesn’t work for you, this is another way to view the result. You change your directory to the result directory, create a new local host by below command:

python3 -m http.server

Your ILAMB result can be viewed in the following address: localhost address:


This is an example that we compared different ensemble members in piControl use the config.cfg we showed above. Click each raw, you can see the detail of conparison result with each observational data.


Click each raw of this matrix, you can view all the graphs of comparison results of this specific dataset.


And also if you would like to view all graphs of one specific comparasion, you can click All Models, and choose which comparison you would liek to see(use Temporally integrated period mean rmse score as example), then you will get then all togather.


Key Points

  • The ACCESS-NRI ILAMB-Workflow facilitates the configuration of the ILAMB on NCI Gadi.

  • Users need to set up a run using a configuration file.

  • The ilamb-tree-generator allows to quickly build a data directory srtucture for the ILAMB.

  • The ILAMB can take advantage of the multiple CPUs available on Gadi.