The ACCESS-NRI Evaluation Frameworks


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 30 min
Compatibility: ESMValTool v2.11.0, ILAMB v2.7.1
  • What are the ACCESS-NRI supported evaluation frameworks?

  • How do I get started?

  • Where can I find help?


Medical Workflows

The Model Evaluation and Diagnostics (MED) Team is Here to Help!

We support infrastructure (software + data) and provide technical support / training to the ACCESS community.

If you need support, the MED team is here to help!

ACCESS-NRI Evaluation tools and infrastructure

Here is the current list of tools and supporting infrastructure under the ACCESS-NRI Model Evaluation and Diagnostics team responsibility:

MED Conda Environments

To ensure effective and efficient evaluation of model outputs, it is crucial to have a well-maintained and reliable analysis environment on the NCI Gadi supercomputer. Our approach involves releasing tools within containerized Conda environments, providing a consistent and dependable platform for users. These containerized environments simplify the deployment process, ensuring that all necessary dependencies and configurations are included, which minimizes setup time and potential issues.


ESMValTool-workflow is the ACCESS-NRI software and data infrastructure that enables the ESMValTool evaluation framework on NCI Gadi. It includes:

ESMValTool-workflow is configured to use the existing NCI supported CMIP data collections.

ESMValTool meets the community’s need for a robust, reliable, and reproducible framework to evaluate ACCESS climate models. Specifically developed with CMIP evaluation in mind, the software is well-suited for this purpose.

How do I get started?

The ESMValCore and ESMValTool python tools and their dependencies are deployed on Gadi within an ESMValTool-workflow containerized Conda environment that can be loaded as a module.

Using the command line and PBS jobs

If you have carefully completed the requirements, you should already be a member of the xp65 project and be ready to go.

module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
# Load the ESMValTool-Workflow:
module load esmvaltool-workflow

Using ARE

If you have carefully completed the requirements, you should already be a member of the xp65 project and be ready to go.

esmvaltool Workflows


The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) project is a model-data intercomparison and integration project designed to improve the performance of land models and, in parallel, improve the design of new measurement campaigns to reduce uncertainties associated with key land surface processes.

The ACCESS-NRI Model Evaluation and Diagnostics team is releasing and supporting NCI configuration of ILAMB under the name ILAMB-workflow.

ILAMB-workflow is the ACCESS-NRI software and data infrastructure that enables the ILAMB evaluation framework on NCI Gadi. It includes:

ILAMB-workflow is configured to use the existing NCI supported CMIP data collections.

ILAMB addresses the needs of the Land community for a robust, reliable, and reproducible framework for evaluating land surface models.

How do I get started?

The ILAMB python tool and its dependencies are deployed on Gadi within an ILAMB-workflow containerized Conda environment that can be loaded as a module.

Using the command line and PBS jobs

If you have carefully completed the requirements, you should already be a member of the xp65 project and be ready to go.

module use /g/data/xp65/public/modules
# Load the ILAMB-Workflow:
module load ilamb-workflow

Using ARE

If you have carefully completed the requirements, you should already be a member of the xp65 project and be ready to go.

esmvaltool Workflows

Key Points